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30 April 2012

27 April 2012

bedroom hymns

Falling into deep tr o ubl es.

Things keep becoming sort of unsettling.

I cross my fingers and pray for what ever is best I guess.

I do however have great news!
The 2011 Summer Documentary is complete and will be up so soon..

Must scurry away now and maybe let go of some tears

au revoir

16 April 2012


The feeling of wanted something you've never felt.
Longing to look into the green depth of that soul...

---new experiences can be nice but may lead for a turn for a loss.
My hand feels pretty safe though and I am willing to dive in.

I tried making a nice list of songs for your long Spring days. 
Hope you can try to enjoy them as much as I have.

ceci n'est pas une pipe by The Fifa on Grooveshark

Bon nuit to your sweet blinking eyes.

link back to photographs
1, 2

04 April 2012

Hi to old photos

Displays my current feelings.

Mixture of joys, deaths, and will.

P.S. I will now be typing away with my new MacBook Air

01 April 2012

Distant Scenery

My contact lenses are not in.

Fabrizio Mingarelli^

Apparently, not only am I planning my departure but my entire house is vanishing
into I don't know where...so I am being forced to basically dispose of everything or store it away.

It's a good sign though...at least I know I'll be taking mostly all my valuables and not being
reminded that I have a cozy room full of priced possessions back here.

Dispose of me.
Want to remodel my surroundings.

H A P P Y     A P R I L    F O O L S
kittycat photo from ilovepeggy's photostream